"What is Hypnotherapy?"
Hypnotherapy is a form of complementary therapy that uses a natural yet altered state of mind to bridge a direct communication with our subconscious mind. This fascinating state, often called "trance", helps us explore and work with our deepest thoughts, feelings, and values. We are in hypnosis whenever our inner world becomes more important than the outer one.
"What qualifications does a hypnotherapist need?"
Qualified hypnotherapists will have a diploma from a recognized institution that is affiliated with a known Hypnotherapy Board (International Board of Hypnotherapy or American Board of Hypnotherapy, to name a few) and follows a strong code of ethics. They will also have at least 400hrs of theoretical and practical training.
"Why hypnotherapy? What treatments do you offer in addition to hypnotherapy?"
Hypnotherapy is natural, non-invasive, and has no side-effects, so it became an easy choice. Results can often be achieved within a single session, contrary to other approaches like psychotherapy or conventional counseling.
"Can you explain the process of healing through hypnosis?"
It has been long known that our minds can heal the body. Although science is still trying to understand how, we already know that under right conditions our minds interpret imagination and suggestions as reality. In Hypnosis we use this phenomenon to trigger an accelerated healing response.
"Is there any danger of being put under a hypnosis? Any possible side effects?"
No one is ever being put under a hypnosis, that’s an old myth from Hollywood movies. We love to dispel such misconceptions. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis therefore our clients put themselves in a deep, relaxing state of trance, and later take themselves out of it with our skillful guidance. We’re there the whole time to help them navigate their own minds. There are no negative side effects, however while in hypnosis we often gain a greater understanding of our most inner thoughts, and not everyone is prepared to face them.
"Does hypnosis treat any illnesses? Which ones, and how?"
The potential of Hypnotherapy to heal the body and mind is limitless. We have many success cases in treating depression, anxiety, chronic pain, migraines, traumatic experiences, phobias, addictions, insomnia and more. We help people by tapping into the subconscious mind to find and heal the underlying cause of illness and to stimulate an accelerated healing response in the brain.
"Can hypnosis heal physical pain? If yes, how so?"
Absolutely. Many forms of pain result from limiting beliefs about ourselves or unresolved events and emotions from the past. In deep hypnosis we can reframe and heal those, successfully removing the underlying cause. We also teach people how to manage pain, as pain receptors in our body are controlled by brain.
"What about subconscious messages under hypnosis? Is that something to be afraid of?"
While "in" hypnosis (and never "under"), most people are completely aware of everything that happens and retain full memory of their experience. Since all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, our subconscious mind cannot accept a suggestion or an idea that's not ours, or one that could be harmful. These are some of the myths propagated through movies and through stage hypnosis. The only subconscious messages that we give to our clients are the ones that facilitate a positive mindset, speed up healing, create a feeling of safety, comfort, and deep relaxation, and motivate our clients to transform their lives and become their best selves.
"How do you go about alleviating potential concerns for those thinking about partaking in hypnosis?"
If you ever drove a car, but could not remember the whole route because your mind was in the auto-pilot mode, you were in hypnosis. Whenever you read a book or watched a movie that was so captivating that you didn’t even notice the surroundings, you hypnotized yourself. In our consultation sessions and periodic workshops, we show people how to experience hypnosis in a safe environment.
"Do you recommend self-hypnosis? "
Absolutely. It's like going to a spa for the mind.
"What are the benefits of hypnosis?"
Deep relaxation, improved self-esteem, greater clarity, a sense of relief, are only a few. There are countless benefits, really.
"Who should undergo hypnosis? Why?"
Anyone interested in self-improvement or removing self-made obstacles to success should experience hypnosis at least once. It can be truly a life changing experience.
"Is there an age limit as to who can have hypnotherapy? "
There is no age limit, although sometimes age may impact the ability to hear, see, remember, visualize, or follow directions. We’ve had clients over 75 years old and we’ve work with children as young as 7 (under parent's supervision).
"Do you recommend hypnotherapy for children? Why or why not?"
Children are the ones who can benefit from the hypnotherapy the most. Their vivid imagination helps achieve results faster than with adults. Also, their critical voice is still underdeveloped which means there is less resistance to change.